Frankie Huertas, Dai Soke, Duro Y Suave, Manos Vacias
On 21 June, 2015 at the LATIN AMERICAN MARTIAL ARTS SOCIETY (LAMAS) 23rd AnniversaryHALL OF HONOR BANQUET IN MEMORY OF PETER FLORES SR, SOUL-KI, FOUNDER OF DURO Y SUAVES, MANOS VACIAS, he was posthumously awarded the MARTIAL ARTS LEGEND AWARD. My student Ines Trinadad was inducted as Jr Black Belt of the Year. I was inducted as Grand Master Of The Year.
GrandMaster Flores Vincent presented me with the original copy awarded by GM Peter Flores U.S.A.G.A Founder of American Goju, dated December 1978 as the Founder of Puerto Rican Goju, later change to Duro Y Suave, Manos Vacias Diploma announcing me as Soke (Dai Soke) by virtue of passing of OBI and Gi as ordained by Soul-Ki prior to his passng at the Nursing Home and as witnessed by GrandMasters and Masters that were present.
I was also awarded a certificate of SOKESHIP and recognized By The Universal Black Belt Society Sokeship Council AS THE SOKE OF DURO Y SUAVE, MANOS VACIAS endorsed by SOKES OF THE COUNCIL and William "Bill" Solano, Meijin/Founder.

After a bowing of Silence I played the CD of how Soul Ki lived and gave a speech about his life, accomplishments, karate and received a standing ovation from all that were present. I am a WHITE BELT WHO NEVER QUIT, A STUDENT OF MY SENSEI, THE LEGENDARD WILDCAT MOLINA, SENSEI TO MY STUDENTS PAST AND PRESENT, GRANDMASTER TO THE MEMBERS OF MY SYSTEM with a COMMITTEE. Interpret as you will but these are the facts of what occurred that day as I Have The Faith To Continue, The Wisdom To Pass It On, The Power To Succeed guided by the SEVEN ARTICLES which guided our Journey as we continue HIS LEGACY, DURO Y SUAVE, MANOS VACIA.